Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Mannering's: Night Time Nightmare

In the Mannering house we have always had a pretty normal night time routine. Camden (our 2 year old) goes down about 9:00-9:15 p.m. and all is quite (well kind of.. We still have a 5 month old) leaving you  with a little time to get a few things done around the house, or you can finally enjoy some peace and quite...until recently. Camden has discovered how easy it is to climb out of his crib, so he tends to do it ALL THE TIME!! That, by the way, is very easily detected. He can climb right over the side, but he cant quite figure out how to do it quitely (thank goodness for that), so you hear a big crash coming from his room. He, however, doesnt realize that I know when he has escaped, so he proceeds with his plan of playing with all those fun toys and climbing up in his window to see whats going on outside. Or the other times, he will be standing in my doorway within seconds, holding a teddy bear and his blanket. As annoying as it is that he is always showing up, scaring the bejeebes out of me, its also pretty cute. He comes in quitely and says, "mommy, night night, mommys bed" or "daddy bed".

Anywho, last night was especially difficult. I hear him get out of his bed, for the third time, and here he comes with his teddy bear and blanket. I had already decided that he could sleep with me, so he was delighted when I told him to climb on into bed with me. After about and hour and a half of him tossing and turning and fidgeting with everything he could get his hands on, he finally drifts off to sleep. About that time, I was starting to doze off...(you know, when your almost completely asleep, and your finally comfortable) and Cooper (our 5 month old) wakes up. At this point I was so worn out from our long day, that I was starting to get frustrated. So I get him back to sleep and finally ( I thought ), its my turn. Well that was just the start of my amazing (**sarcastic voice**) nights sleep. Cooper was up at 1, 2, 3, and 4:15, and finally last but not least 5 a.m.. 5 a.m. would not normally bother me, because he has been an all night sleeper since he was about a month old, but because he had already been up most the night, I was not exactly thrilled. So I get up to pump and feed little man and Camden wakes up, very angry with me, yelling, "No, mommy, night night!" Really and your little brother just kept me up all night!!! So finally, after feeding that sweet little man, we all fell back asleep at 6 a.m. and got a good 3 hours of rest.

This is our sweet little Cooper

 And this is our handsome little man, Camden (that would be my amazing husband with him!)
Now that my ranting is finished, I do want to say that I love my children dearly and would do anything for them. With that being said, I wonder if there is something I could do to help them sleep better at night. Any suggestions?

Until next time,
