Thursday, September 20, 2012

Please excuse our happens here!

I have recently started a new fall women's bible study called, Captivating! We are only on our first week (okay 2nd, but the 1st week didn't really count) but I already can tell that it will change my life, for the better of course! Anyway, as we were talking today, I learned one very important thing:

 It doesn't matter that there are toys all over my house! A friend from class told me to look at it differently than just being a messy house. She told me to think of it as a house full of love. A house that has toys everywhere is a house with happy, loved and blessed children. My house being tidy is not what is important in life. What is important is that you have happy children who know the measure of your love for them. Those same happy children will also come to know how blessed they are.

 I am the person who rushes to pick things up before my friends or family get there so that they "think" our house is clean. They know that I am not perfect nor is my house, so frankly, who am I trying to fool? They also DON'T CARE what my house looks like. And if they do, then they probably aren't my true friends anyway! No longer will I clean my house for my guests!! Okay, i'm totally kidding about that, but I am learning that others don't really care what I do and don't do at my home, all they care about is my friendship and fellowship!

My mother-in-law has a tile in her kitchen that says, "This house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy!" I never understood how true that was until recently...

Until next time, 

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